Meet Anashay Wright!
I’m Anashay Wright, the Authentic Disruptor behind Disruptive Partners Consulting, a Black-owned, female-led social-impact firm. We are committed to partnering across cultures, margins and communities to close the equity and human disconnection gap for all children! To this, we must come together and create opportunities for Black, Brown and other historically ignored groups.
To do this in a way that leads to sustainable impact, we leverage the power of diversity and create inclusive spaces to educate, unify and heal our communities and schools. Our work creates spaces to connect, learn and build authentic relationships that move us from DEI “Awareness to Action.”
Simply put, we are your culture connectors, generation Z & Alpha whisperers and disruptive allies on this journey to creating an equitable future for all.
Ladies & Gentlemen, we've got a game-changer in the K12 space: Meet Anashay Wright and her one-of-a kind social impact firm, Disruptive Partners Consulting. As the Chief "Authentic" Disruptor, her mission is to bridge the culture gap, accelerate equity and create opportunities for EVERY child to thrive!
Together, let's connect and build new tables that foster REAL relationships moving us from DEI “Awareness to Action!”




Keynotes, Panels & Workshops
Overview. This is for anyone seeking to better understand & connect with the current student generation.
During this in-person event, we begin with truth & storytelling through the lens of of the two youngest generations in schools & society: Gen Z & Alpha.
By the end of this experience, you will leave with a deeper understanding of the diversity, complexity & beauty of the human experience in communities, schools and the current workforce.
*Just think of this as the intersection of Oprah's Masterclass, Issa Rae, Beyonce' & today's generation all in one!

Dinner, Dialogues & Disruptive Design: Building Tables Across Margins & Differences
Overview. This is for K12 system and organization leaders seeking to facilitate inclusive spaces for continuous engagement, collaboration & collective impact .“The Table” is where culture, diversity & shared empowerment meet.
By the end of this experience, you will have a better undertsanding of the current experience of those you serve & develop your custom roadmap for taking the experience to the next level!
**Let Disruptive Partners help you facilitate connections with the people you serve who have the lived experiences and actionable insights to help philanthropists, foundations, non-profit.

Set Your Strategy with the people closest to the problem (consulting & advisement)
Overview. This is for leaders seeking 1:1 advisement, thought-partnership or high-touch support.
We offer three solutions to help purpose-driven leaders gain the clarity needed to accelerate impact:
👉 VIP Strategy & Design Intensives (3.5 hrs or 6 hours) virtual/in-person
👉 Clarity Coaching & Thought-Leadership
👉 Solution Accelerator works great for individuals with a laser focus on a specific pain point the seek to addres quickly.

Bill McCollum
Client Testimonial (keynote & workshop) “I wanted to let you know how inspiring I found your presentation at our employee retreat. …for many [in our organization], our work supporting marginalized communities feels theoretical because they haven't lived the experience. You made that experience vivid and real in a very powerful way…”
Co-Founder & CEO, Illustrative Math

Dr. Tauheedah Baker- Jones
“The impactful teachings delivered pushed our thought process which resulted in scaling up efforts towards district-wide social justice objectives! Members of our board have requested that she speaks to the entire district —Anashay is truly the MVP!”
Chief Equity and Social Justice Officer, Atlanta Public Schools

Meet Our Speakers
"Mom, school isn't setting me up to have the kind of impact I need for my community." At the time, Anashay Wright’s son was just 15years old. The same age she was, when her mom, a single parent of three, became terminally ill with cancer and later passed away at the young age of 39. She knew all too well that her son was right, “school isn’t setting Black children up to thrive.” It was time to team up with other parents, students and families to level up our schools and #disrupt4good. And they did just that!
Both Anashay & Chance are musicians, and they LOVE to cook!

Anashay Wright is a life-long disruptor of inequitable systems. As a national award-winning educator, speaker, and educational consultant with over 20 years of experience at every level of the K-12 sector. She brings over two decades of experience designing innovative programs for organizations like Leading Educators, TNTP and the Lisa “Left-Eye” Lopes Foundation. She leads DP with the belief that those most proximate to the problem are best positioned to innovate the solution.

Chance Wright is the 16-year-old owner of Chance Wright Consulting (CWC) and ByChance™ “clothing for the culture” is an eleventh grader at a predominately Black, Title I high school in Metro Atlanta (on purpose). He serves as an educational advisor, consultant and public speaker for Disruptive Partners. In 2021, he earned his Business Consulting Certificate from The Academies at Harvard.